Monday, Monday

A Weekly Dose of Architecture Updates:

This week's dose features Integrated Elementary-Middle School Complex in Rome, Italy, by Herman Hertzberger and Marco Scarpinato:
this       week's  dose

The featured past dose is the Ferrari Headquarters in Maranello, Italy, by Massimiliano Fuksas:
this       week's  dose

This week's book review is Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies: Lafayette Park, Detroit edited and with text by Danielle Aubert, Lana Cavar, Natasha Chandani | Placement (L):
this week's book review   this week's book review
(R): The featured past book review is 2G 48/49 Mies van der Rohe: Houses edited by Moisés Puente.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : U.S. Building of the Week:

20th Street Residence in San Francisco, California, by SFOSL:
this week's Building of the Week